Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Finally something to post

Well, today there is a new party called the 'Leap Year Party'. You can get rare necklaces, rare beards, rare top hats, rare worn blankets, rare shark fins, rare wings, rare jester hats, rare phantom hats, rare chicken hats, rare elf helmets, rare elf armor, and lastly, rare leg armor. Also, I'm a nonmember now... but I might get my membership back and start a 'Toontown Online' blog...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nothing to Post, really...

Well, there hasn't been much at all to say, lately. Except, penguin statues or bushes or trees (whatever you want to call them), came out.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My new account

Hello, Jammers! Today I made a new account, fuzzybunny99049. If you see her and are my buddy, please add her! Her animal's name is Fuzzy Berrypaw. I gave her my clover, glove, and blue locket. She already has a lot of action figures, or toys (whatever you want to call them) from the Sol Arcade. Not really anything to post about, just that I made a new account. Also, today's new items are the Diner Stool and the Morocco flag.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Jammer of the Week

Today I thought of Buddies of the Week. So, I decided to post a Jammer of the Week! This contest is for a Jammer who really respects and cares for me. Sorry, I can't post these Buddies of the Week. But, I will pick a very nice Jammer, who is... dolphingirl7! She is a fair trader, never scammed, and is very respectful to her friends. I believe her blog is called "Animal Jam Central!" or "Dolphingirl7's blog". Hope you like it!

Buddies of the Week

Well, today I started a thing called "Buddies of the Week". Each week, I will be posting 3 Jammers off my list. The first 3 are.... 1. Queencutie57 2. claw6543 and last but not least... 3. LoveLost! So those three Jammers will receive a prize from me (sorry Queencutie57, you're a nonmember) this week! Who will be next week's Jammers?


I'm not saying all of my other friends aren't that fun, but a few days ago I got a buddy request from one of my favorite Bloggers! (Mayksufi, WitchHatBunny) LoveLost! She had given me a buddy request! Of course, I accepted it. Really, that's all for now... except the Rare Mondays. Today's Rare Monday item is Medusa Masks, and today's two new items are Heart Antennae Headbands and a Dominican Republic flag. Now she's not a Blogger.... I don't know if she'll ever start up again. She said it wasn't "appreciated", apparently....

Sky High Bunny Glitch

So today I was playing Sky High, and I noticed that my pattern would just fall.... down to my bunny's paws! (This only happens when you do a full jump to a cloud.) This glitch requires a bunny and the rounder spot pattern. Ok, so hop to a cloud. Try to have the cloud be the farthest away. If you did it right, when the bunny is about to land, its pattern will start from its eyes, down to its paws.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Rare Mondays

In the Jamaa Journal, it said that each Monday a rare item would come out for only THAT day. So, I was reading WitchHatBunny's (LoveLost) blog, and found out the rare item for today was: gloves! Also, in Epic Wonders, new princess carriages came out.

New Glitch

Well, I was in Deep Blue for a while, and I discovered an odd glitch. When the Gulper Eel came out from the seaweed, the coral and rock would overlap the eel! When he came back, heading towards the seaweed, some of the coral would overlap him too! Not really a big glitch, but something that I discovered that I thought was a bit interesting.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

New party, shadow garden, heart lockets, and heart rugs!

Today I got on and I heard someone saying something about a new party. So I checked the list, and sure enough, there was a new party. The Friendship Party! Man, my BFF wasn't on today. A few days ago, all of you got a pop-up that said, "Have you seen the new Shadow Garden in Epic Wonders yet?" When I got there, it was practically full! Also today, I had read on WitchHatBunny's blog, (Animal Jam Flash) that there were heart rugs in Sunken Treasures, Kani Cove. When I got there, it was also full! Yesterday, heart lockets came out. I bought every color!

Friday, February 3, 2012

™,€, and •

This is an unrelated post, but on desktop computers, you can make special symbols on anything you want. I don't know if you can do this on a laptop or not, because I don't have one. But, for €, press alt then type in 0128. For ™, press alt then type in 0153. I found more: ¹, œ, £, Ÿ, , §, ‡, ¥, ¬, ↓, but you cannot say them on AJ. I also forgot how to do the bullet point, sorry :<

The Butterslide Glitch

I know this is an old glitch and works for anyone, but I want to post about it now. Okay, so click on an area a little far from where you are currently standing. Then click on the "actions" button. Click an action, and for a split second or until you get to the spot you wanted to go to, you will be doing an action while walking. If it doesn't work, keep trying! Don't give up on it!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

New new stuff

Well, today new stuff came out! Now we know that penguins are definitely the new animal! Well, here's what's new. The Sol Arcade, located where the Pillow Room used to be. Also, every Monday, RARE items that you can ONLY get that day will be in stores! Also, they'll update every few days I think. Also in Sol Arcade there is a new game called Phantom Invasion. In Jam Mart Clothing there are heart capes. In Jam Mart Furniture, rose bouquets and pink sofas. In the music shop you can buy Crystal Reef music! The den games are back, but you buy them in the arcade. You can't buy princess chests anymore either. Every den item in Epic Wonders is on clearance except the Black Wolf Plushie and Feast Table. There is also a new flag at the last page in the Flag Shop. The Elf Bracelet glitch is fixed also. I'm pretty sure that's it. If I need anything else, please comment on it!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Zios Glitch

I'm sure all of you have heard about those walk on walls glitches. Animal Jam fixed them all, except the Zios one. There is a new way. First, stand in the middle of the Chamber of Knowledge and Brady Barr's lab. Then, click the door to Brady Barr's lab. After you clicked the door, click the monkey window. Do this quickly, and eventually, you will get it. You might also want to check out my video above! (Ok, the end is a little weird...)

New stuff

Well, as we all heard, there is a penguin coming. It's true, but I hoped it would come out today... well, members DID get a gift. The Giant Lion Plushie. I first saw it in dutygir's den. Sadly, he traded a worn blanket. Hopefully the update will be tomorrow, because usually when members get their gift, AJ updates. I hope the penguin comes out!